Thursday, March 25, 2010

[True Blue] TV Show Pilot

March 20th, 2010 Saturday
Call time @ 6:15am

We were told to report to circus located at Andy Livingston Park at Keefer and Quebec. SO I had to drive due to early call time and no transportation at my departure time. I circled around the park and saw absolutely no crew, traliers, set etc. I thought I messed up the dates but no it was right. After 20 minutes, I saw 3 people standing at a corner by the park with their wardrobe (you know who are the background performers when you are one! yay! ) so I parked my car and went up to them. After a couple of questions and finding out that we're all from the same agency, we knew that the info we were give was incorrect. *phone rings* Great! Our agent found out the correct location was just 4 blocks away. I gave them a ride, no big deal. What a morning to start off a shoot. No good!

The set was at Victory Square on Hastings, right in front of VCC, where I come every morning! HA! So there was no breakfast provided as they've informed us already. We were on set from 7am'ish till 1pm! It was COLD out there. My toes were SO numb and my hands were freezing. It wasn't fun outside.

{Highlight of the day}

A guy started yelling right before we can "action", I thought it was the director who was yelling. But nope, it was a random guy on the street yelling at US, the whole crew! It was hilarious because that guy who I would think is perfectly normal, that in fact, was screaming and yelling "YOU GUYS ALWAYS MAKE MONEY! I DON'T MAKE MONEY, WHAT ABOUT ME? WHAT ABOUT ME? HUH? YOU GUYS JUST MAKE MONEY AND I DON'T, WHAT ABOUT ME!??!?!!" He kept going on and on to the point we were just like "... ok sir, are you done? you're pretty hilarious!" Then finally he started walking away, one of our police officers just went after himi on the cool police motocycle. Great! Someone was in trouble :P

Anyway, the 6:15am people were wrapper RIGHT BEFORE lunch. I think this production has a real tight budget. This is so far the ONLY shoot I've done that I didn't get to have any meals! How lovely, isn't "meals" just one of the best part for backgrounds to have on set? C'mon TRUE BLUE! I got sick right after I got home. Thanks!

I'm not sure if this is the SAME TRUE BLUE! But yeah here you go!

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