Wednesday, April 29, 2009

[work] The Boy Who Cried Werewolf

trailer is UP

So I was on set last night for this shoot of The Boy Who Cried Werewolf, a Nickelodeon movie. I was told that I might have to wear a rubber mask, stuff like Halloween costume. But I didn't get to wear one eventually. When I arrived the set in Richmond, the place called Fantasy Garden looked so... fantasy! It's an old town looking village. And I guess the reason why they chose this place to shoot is because it looks sort of "Romania"ish. Pretty cool place! So my call time was 6pm and bunch of us extras waited in holding as usual. Then finally we got to go on set for shoot. Bunch of us in village looking people, and others were in monster costumes (like werewolf, vampires, witches, stuff like that) just form a group of people attending a festival in the village. The main character, a young boy named Chase Ellison from San Diego, just needed to run away from a guy who was chasing. I wasn't too sure what the scene was about other than I was just a "villagers attending festival." Now I'm off to bed, 7am call time tomorrow for The Troop.

[Picture Time]

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

[Vampire Diaries] WOW I didn't know...

I just found something I personally feel amazing about tonight. I was just reading articles, tweets, and searches on the Vampire Diaries. Then I found an article with the title of Vampire Diaries Extra Blogs About Her Experience. When I saw this title I had a feeling that it might be me! And CLICK! Yes! It's MY blog! I was surprised, VERY surprised indeed. First, I didn't know that other than my bf and a good friend who read my blog, there are actually people on internet that found my blog and post it up on the fan site. Even it's not really a big thing that I should be proud of or something but I just find it amazing. And sure that I feel happy about it. :D It just made my day!

Now I can't wait to have more bookings and see more productions and blog about them! :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

[work] Vampire Diaries - Pilot Shoot

So I came back from the shoot of Vampire Diaries (here's link to its official site and link to IMDB) yesterday and was very tired. However, it was a much better experience so far I'd say. First of all, We (the extras) didn't really have to wait for our scenes, we pretty much just kept on filming the whole time. The call times were 2pm, 2:18pm, 2:30pm. The the people with 2:30pm call time were unfortunately wrapped up after a scene of out side the school. I was glad to stay or else it'd be a waste of gas money to get there for 4 hours of pay.

So guess how long the overall shoot for the day? Well, most of us were there from 2:18pm to 2:24am! We had an hour for lunch. The rest, we just ... filmed! Glad that I brought cards because I had fun playing cards with the people I met on set: Ayisha, Olga, Nicole, some many other I don't remember names of. The snacks were alright, aint the best but what else can we expect? Good enough for me :) The lunch was not bad, I had my turkey, caesar salad, and bunch of other yummy food that I don't know how I should call them.

Anyway, so there was this scene that I was very close to the actresses and actors. I didn't know who they were other than "oh they're the main people!" One of the actresses I thought was pretty! I later found out her name is Nina Dobrev (playing Elena, the main character). The other cast were Paul Wesley (playing Stefan), Katerina Graham (playing Bonnie) Candice Accola, (playing Caroline), Steven R. McQueen (playing Jermey, Elena's brother) and I didn't get to see Ian Somerhalder (should be playing Damon and the reason why I wanna see him because he was in LOST) though. It was cool to know that I was standing right next to them, well I didn't really know until I got home and did my researches online :P haha! Oh and I found Katerina on Twitter too!

I can't wait to have more shoots! It's fun and I don't really care about the pay at all. It's a different world to see :) Oh and I saw the director after I've found him on Twitter! COOL!

Here's a peek at Elena onset! PRETTY!! (I'm not sure if I can post this up since I got it from the twitterpic from the director - Marcos Siega

Some spoilers of the TV show - LINK HERE

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

[work] Pulling - Pilot Shoot

Quick enough after I had my first official background work last Thursday in Squamish, I was booked and called in for Pulling (pilot) today in Aldergrove. Good thing to start off was that my call time was at 11:30am which I thought was great if to compare with the night shoot that I had. One downside is that today was such a nice sunny day! I was stuck in this building for hours! We had lunch at 3'o clock. The lunch was great, we had ham/turkey, tofu curry, lots of salads including greek salads, ice cream, juice, and lots of other stuff. It was so much better than the one on Thursday really. After having a nice lunch, we finally got our scene around 6-7pm. My first shot was to walk across the stage (I was a patron at a cowboy bar and grill!) Then got sent back with a few others after our first walk of the day. Then waited again in the holding and saw new snacks came up! I had this mini bagel with cream cheese and some kind of honey jelly thing, oh my, it was delicious! I liked it so much so I had a few more! :) The crafty was better that last time too!

Anyhow, so after I-don't-know-how-long hours, we did our second shoot which I had to carry a cute cowboy boot looking glass filled with beer (non-alcohol) walking out from the ladies room with another lady. We walked toward 2 guys who sat at the bar, one white one black, oh the lady I was with is white too and I'm yellow, what a great combination! Ha ha! Anyway, it was fun to act without saying anything. The black guy was great! He acted like he was real talking to us about his stories and all that. I had to walk quite a few times then got sent back to holding again.

Later we were going back and forth for a couple times until we had our last scene where I just walk across the stage again and another was just to stand around the bar to make it look busy. And there DONE! Though I didn't do much at this shoot but I sure enjoyed warm indoor condition this time!

One funny note is that 2 people asked me the same question: "How old are you, Ruby?" And my response was that: "Yeah I knew it, I know I look young since most of the asians look younger than their age!" I knew it, people thought I was under 20s or probably thought I was still in high school. Ha ha! It made my day :D

I met 3 people this time, one guy has the same birthday as me! What a coincidence! Another guy I thoguht was cool because he did what I really wanted to do - driving across Canada from west coast to Toronto! He came from Toronto by car! WOW! And the lady which I find smart and friendly is engaged! Wow! What was even more surprising is that, she's 2 years younger than me! I can't imagine myself being engaged when I was 20. Must be scary for me. Anyway, that's it for my day today! I'll update my shoot that's coming up this Thursday soon!

Pictures to be up later...

Monday, April 6, 2009

[work] On The Run - Steven Seagal

So I came back from my first background work last Thursday late night, or I should say Friday morning. I was extremely cold and tired due to the fact that it was very cold in Squamish and waited for hours. I enjoyed it however. It was just that I lose my heat very easily for those who know me well enough, I just can't tolerate cold!

So the set was at Porteau Provincial Park in Squamish. I picked up another extra from Burnaby and drove all the way to Squamish. It was dark and quite a lot of people/crew/trailer trucks. I was excited but not as excited as I thought I would be. I signed in, checked with wardrobe lady and went to the holding for extras. We were there from 11:15pm till around 6am'ish. The sky was about to bright up. They finally called us in and the first shot was on the beach. The scene was like this: we, as the "illegal immigrants", just got off the boat and arrived this free land. There were 4 smugglers to pick us up. We had to pretend that "just got off the boat and walking from beach to land." It was so cold! We had to walk on the rocky beach which was extremely wet. Then we took our custome photos after about 4 shots of this scenes. Then we had another shot of reserve work at a different location on the same beach. Then we were back to holding to wait for our second scene.

The second scene was better because it was "indoor", we were in this big metal container that was supposed to be "the shipping container on the ocean." I just happened to sit beside one of the main characters in this container and acted like we were in it for weeks and waiting to arrive the free land. I just showed my real emotions there "waited for long, tired, cold, axiety" as it was just like what we were supposed to be in the scene. Ha ha! As for the the rest of this scene, I just can't really remember what it was like because I was about to pass out.

So that was it! 7 hours of my first official background work. 5.5 hours of waiting. 1.5 hours of acting. I took some pictures but most of them are dark. I might post them up after some adjustments.

OH! And NO, I did not get to see Steven Seagal. It's sad because the day of my shoot was the last day of the whole shoot! Too bad! Well I don't really know about this guy either. :P

Pictures to be up later...